Link to the new show!
Category: Fun Fact Friday
Category Added in a WPeMatico Campaign
Merch! Everything’s an Argument!
Merch! Grounding Study! Natural remedies that really work! Allegedly! Medicinal plants! First Aid Home Remedies! ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE (gumball)!
Merch! Bird Facts! Better Call Daddy! Episode 399 with Leila and David! Birds Aren’t Real!!
Merch! “Best” jokes from each decade! 15 oldest jokes! Shakespear insults! 18th Century Jokes!
Merch! HeLa Cells! Moore vs Regents of UC! Havasupai Tribe vs Arizona Board of Regents! 23 and Me Controversy!
Merch! Gross Food Ingredients! Odd Food Ingredients! Gross Makeup Ingredients! Weird Makeup Ingredients! More Gross Makeup Ingredients!
Merch! Facts! More Facts! Even More Facts! You guessed it, more facts!
Merch! Phantom Time Hypothesis! A Conspiracy Theory?! WIki! Leap Year Rules! Chinese Calendar Converter!